Chibuikem Obetta

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Name: Chibuikem Collins Obetta

Profile: Full Stack Developer


Phone: (+234) 803-458-2884

Tech Stack

About me

Hello there! I'm Collins an innovative and detail-oriented software developer with deep understanding of technical and business aspects of software development. Experienced in developing highly efficient web applications with emphasis on clean code, maintainability, security and performance..

As a Full Stack developer at Zidio Developmemnt, I contribute to innovative projects and collaborate with a dynamic team, leveraging my prior experience as a backend developer at HNG Tech.


Here are a few of my projects.


Developed a job listing platform that connects employers with job seekers. It features a simple user interface and basic job listing platform functionality.

Employers and job seekers can create and manage their company and personal profile respectively. Job seekers also have a default resume upload feature.

Front End: React, Redux

Back End: NodeJS, ExpressJS

Database: MongoDB


Developed an e-commerce platform that can be used to purchase a variety of clothing and footwear.

Implemented secure SignIn and authentication methods using Firebase. Integrated with third-party services for payment processing and secure checkout.

Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, StyledComponents, Redux, ReduxToolkit

Back End: NodeJS, ExpressJS, StripeApi, GoogleAuth

Database: GoogleFireStore

Smart Face Detect

Developed an app that runs a facial recognition scan, detects a human face on an image and draws a face detecton box around a face it detects.

Users have to signin or register if they don't have an account in order to use the app. A count of how many scans run by each user is recorded. Developed a secure authentication system that ensured user privacy and data security.

Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Tachyons, Bootstrap

Back End: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Bcypt, Clarifai AI Machine Learning Model

Database: PostgreSQL

Health Care Dashboard

This application is designed to provide an intuitive interface for managing and visualizing patient data, diagnostic histories, and lab results. It is for desktop view only.

Front End: HTML, CSS, TypeScript, NextJS, ReactJS, Tailwind, ChartJS

Technical Documentation Page

This is a sample technical documentation page that delivers clear cut information to users about some terms in Javascript.

Front End: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

User Dashboard

Developed a dynamic user dahboard which is used to view user data and search for users by their ID. Each user card clicked will display a details page where all the data for a single user is shown.

Front End: HTML, CSS, Tailwind, Typescript, Angular, NgRx