Name: Obetta Chibuikem
Profile: Full Stack Developer
Phone: (+234) 803-458-2884
Tech Stack
About me
Hello there! I'm Collins, an enthusiastic Full-stack Developer with two years of hands-on experience and a passion for tackling real-world challenges.
As a Full stack developer at JoinMomentum, I contribute to innovative projects and collaborate with a dynamic team, leveraging my prior experience as a freelance developer. I learned the importance of teamwork and effective communication, solidifying my passion for software development.
I was a student of ZeroToMastery Academy, where I gained a solid foundation in software development, problem-solving skills, and a comprehensive understanding of various technologies, preparing me for the challenges and opportunities in the tech industry. Now, equipped with experiences from Join Momentum, and ZeroToMastery, I am poised to drive innovation and make meaningful contributions in the ever-evolving field of technology.
Here are a few of my projects.
Developed an e-commerce platform that can be used to purchase a variety of clothing and footwear.
Implemented secure SignIn and authentication methods using Firebase. Integrated with third-party services for payment processing and secure checkout.
Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, StyledComponents, Redux, ReduxToolkit
Back End: NodeJS, ExpressJS, StripeApi, GoogleAuth
Database: GoogleFireStore
Smart Face Detect
Developed an app that runs a facial recognition scan, detects a human face on an image and draws a face detecton box around a face it detects.
Users have to signin or register if they don't have an account in order to use the app. A count of how many scans run by each user is recorded. Developed a secure authentication system that ensured user privacy and data security.
Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Tachyons, Bootstrap
Back End: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Bcypt, Clarifai AI Machine Learning Model
Database: PostgreSQL